Hello dear random netizens. I’m a programmer, writer and game designer, by profession, though mostly the first one.

This blog will have stories and essays related to software engineering, performance & scalability, climate, democracy, Utopianism, sci-fi and comedy. Early on we may be trying a variety of topics (within that range) and styles, simply to learn what clicks most with the public. Once we identify those things we’ll go deeper and more frequent with them. You may also see samples of my fiction — if you want me to write and share more of a particular piece please show me through your engagement on it — likes, reshares, subscribes and blush-inducing praise. I also take filthy bribes, er, I mean donations.

My freelance technical consulting page on HN:


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on programming, software engineering, performance & scalability, climate, democracy, Utopianism, sci-fi and comedy...


programming, software engineering, performance & scalability, climate, democracy, Utopianism, sci-fi, comedy