Usage Syntax:
dont <cmd> <args-for-cmd>
When dont runs it will definitely NOT run the requested command (well: definitely NOT with the given arguments anyway!)
The dont tool MAY or MAY NOT execute something else, however. This behavior is undefined and left as an implementation choice -- so do NOT rely on whatever you observe it to do at runtime, or what the source code suggests.
WARNING: "dont" is recommended only for advanced users. Be very careful when running it! Ideally the host is non-critical and/or has adequate backups, and no data worth stealing, etc.
In the upcoming 2.0 sprint the maintainers plan to add the ability to support the passing of long lists of commands which should ALL not be run. The hope is that by specifying sufficiently large numbers (and argument permutations) of commands to NOT run it will help in cases where user would like to increase odds it MIGHT do something desired.
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